Mia is beautiful inside and out . She exudes style and grace in an extraordinary way and I am so happy to share her style and her journey with you all. This girl is really someone to look out for because she is certainly going places in life ! You heard it here first :) Show some love to this beautiful embodiment of A WOMAN !

How would you describe your personal style ?
" My personal style has changed and matured over the years but I must say that I’ve always had a liking for this tomboy, yet girly, look. I like to throw on pieces of clothing that’ll immediately catch the eye and have people asking “where’d you get that from”. I feel like you can really get to know someone by the way they dress and I think that my style gives me sense of fun and outgoing person which I like to believe I am. As of recently my style has been trying to fit color and different prints. I also like to add a piece of clothing that is very sexy and shows my feminine side whether it’s a back out or a nice v neck or a cropped top."
What are three words that describe you ?
" 3 words that describe me? Adventurous, Creative, Passionate. "
What is some fashion advice that you would want to share with others ?
" For years I used to strictly shop at the men’s section in stores and I would constantly get asked “ Are you shopping for your boyfriend?” No I wasn’t. I was shopping for myself. I love oversized clothing and I didn’t care for what people would think about it. That’s something that I think everyone should have a mindset of. Wear what makes you happy. I work retail so I see a lot of different styles coming into my store daily. So that’ll have you thinking “what is she wearing?” But that doesn’t matter because they are giving their best selves out there and that is the most beautiful thing about a person. Not caring what people think and putting your creativity out there in the world."
Who is your biggest fashion inspiration ?
" My fashion inspiration would have to be @glowprincesss on instagram. She has a very feminine but tomboy look to her and that is the look that I love so much. Being able to dress up or dress down whenever you want is so appealing and attractive to me and she has a great way of showing it. She always wears a bright pop of color whether it’s a jacket or pants or even her hair and I admire that so much."
Where do you go shopping ?
" My favorite places to go shopping is Fashionnova because they are very trendy and tend to have pretty great deals. Urban Outfitters because they have a very urban/ city like look that I’m always looking for in terms of “street wear”. Forever 21 because whenever you need something simple and cute for a low price they’re here to deliver honeyyy. "
In your opinion, what is a big fashion no no ?
" To me all styles of fashion is beautiful in their own way. There’s not a specific style or trend that I despise. It may not be my cup of tea but everyone is different. What I don’t like is someone following a trend because that’s what everyone is doing. Be true to yourself. If you don’t like something then don’t entertain it because that’s what your friends are doing 🥰"
Outfit Details
Jacket: Express ( SOLD OUT)
Shoes: Jcrew (New Balance collaboration) ( SOLD OUT)
Wanna see more from Mia ? Follow her @miaagalaxy :)