Hey y’all ! It’s Twiggy here and thank you so much for reading another post. I hope you all are safe and staying inside. It is no secret right now what the world is going through. All of this is so sudden and I’m still shook over all this. Nevertheless, I am making the best out of the situation and I wanted to share with you all some things that you could do to make the most out of your time alone.
Try out a new recipe
On a normal day, I would not have anytime to cook, but now that I have some down time I've found some really cool recipes for me to make. I got cookbook as a gift so now I can actually make use of it. Doing this will help with keeping your mind off of everything that is going on. Plus, you get to test out your cooking skills. Stay tuned for some recipes.
Read a chapter from a book.
Reading is powerful . Take the time to do so. I bought some books a while ago and I’m finally getting around to start them . I’m always reading textbooks for class, but it’s different reading for leisure. Let me know if you all want any recommendations.
Workout !!! This is the time to get summer time fine. Don’t worry if you do not have equipment. Get creative and use what you have around your house. For example, you can use canned foods as hand weights to workout. If you’re looking for workout ideas checkout YouTube or Pinterest (Pinterest is great for everything). If you go to a gym and they have Instagram, check to see if they offer free classes on Instagram live that you can follow along with from home.
Organize your room/home While organizing you can get rid of old items and put the new in the forefront. I have literally reorganized all my clothes in my drawers and closet. It feels fantastic honestly. You never know what clothes you might rediscover while doing so.
Be creative You can show your creativity in a number of ways. Since I’ve been social distancing I’ve had more time to create content and brainstorm new ideas.
Keep a Journal
It’s good to write down your thoughts especially during time like this. Find time in the day and write out exactly how you feel.
Pray/Meditate Now its the time to be one with yourself. Be still and think about all the good. I like to take advantage of the devotionals on the Bible App to help steer my focus in the right direction. ( It’s free). You can also try meditating with music.
Create a Routine
This one is super important. If you already had a routine prior to all this chaos stick to it. If you didn't, try creating one for yourself so that you aren't stuck in the madness. If you're a student like me, set a time for when you want to do your classwork and everything else. Try not to waste the day in bed all day. Be sure to stick to the routine.
* Also y'all, please make sure you are taking care of yourself mentally ! Times are hard, but try to stray away from the media because everything that is being thrown at us through the news and social media can be A LOT. Take time to check in with yourself mentally :)*
Well, That is all for now my loves ! Thank you for tuning into a new post and be sure to come back next week for more! I love you all and be safe . Don't forget to wash your hands.
Until Next Time My Loves,
Twiggy Versatile xoxox
Connect With Me on Social Media
Instagram: @Twiggyversatile
Twitter: @Twiggyversatile
Snapchat: @zzoeeeeeeee
